Southbridge Forest HOA

Charlotte 2025 $25,000 placemaking grant is now open.
If you want basketball, pickel ball, tennis, volleyball, and/or soccer courts this is a great way to get them. Other ideas: pergola with swings at front entrance, frisbee golf course in the park, enclose park gazebo, older kids swing set in park, etc. ANYONE can do this grant. You dont' have to be on the HOA board to help out. There will be a board meeting on Tuesday Feb 4th 6:30pm via google meets To go over ideas. Grant due March 7.

Below is a summary of the 2024 vote. 10 page  PDF below shows more details. Every single question asking to spend money was voted down, except for the neighbors in need program. The President will submit CCR and bylaws changes to the City of Charlotte Register of Deeds for recording. 

All 5 people who ran to be on the board will be on the board due to bylaw updates being approved.

Do you approve of 3 changes to the SBF HOA CCR's.

82.6% approved

Do you approve the 2025 HOA budget?        93.8% approved

Should the HOA accept about $60K easment money and allow the City's easement request? 81.3%

If the above easement is approved, What should the HOA do with the approximate $60,000 from the City of Charlotte? 60.4% refund owners fair share

Should bylaws be updated to increase home owner powers and hold board more accountable? 92.4% said yes.

Should we spend about $600 for two aluminum soccer goals in the park failed 52.4% voted no

Should we spend about $300 on a volleyball net and posts in the park (approximately $2 per homeowner) Failed with 50% saying no.

Should we spend money on frisbee golf goals? Failed with 73.8% saying no.

Should we spend $6500 to upgrade the dog fence to aluminum fence Failed with 60.3% saying no

Should we spend money for dog playground equipment, like dog ramps, tunnels, etc? failed with 61.1% voting no.

Should we spend money on making a bordered 80 ft long mulch walkway from the playground area to the dog park? failed wtih 67.5% saying no

Should the HOA start a neighbor in need program. Passed with 73% voting yes

Should we spend $2750 plus labor to install a front entrance message board? About $19 per owner. Failed with 55.6% voting no

How often should inspections be done? 66.7% voted for free online reporting

Should HOA dues only be used for essential spending (lawn care, insurance, postage, utilities, taxes, maintenance & admin)? 66.7% agreed

Are you interested in helping volunteer for the Architectural, violations, Social or Grants committee, reporting broken street lights, Website updates, etc? only 16.8% volunteered

Does our HOA communicate well?

58.7% agreed

30% were neutral

11% said no.

Our HOA is heading in the right direction?

56% agreed

29% neutral

14% disagreed

Only 11% (15 owners) of the neighborhood uses the park more than once a month. If we spent $50,000 to upgrade park this would only increase about 10% or about a dozen people.

Should we cut more grass and do more landscaping in the park? 70.9% said no additional landscaping is needed.

Demographics of people living here:

1-10 years old = 44 people

11-17 years old = 21 people

18-24 years old = 18 people

25-34 y.o.= 34 people

34-54 y.o.= 88 people

55+ y.o.= 77 people

2024 sbf hoa vote ballot result.pdf

Below are the results of our 2023 Vote.  63 voted out of 154.  In every category people voted to reduce spending and dues.

2023 HOA vote results 63 total.pdf

2023 Mgt Company Survey is below:

Below is a 4 page pdf file with the results from the May 2023 survey about Mgt Companies

HOA dues increase Survey RESULTS.pdf

Fall 2022 Annual Meeting Survey is below.

hoa vote results.pdf
Southbridge Forest Virtual Annual Meeting (2022-10-04 19_05 GMT-4)_Trim.mp4

We have a privately run Facebook group found named Southbridge Forest Residents. Lost a package? Have something for sale? Want to praise a neighbor? FB is a great place for that. However it's not the place to ask for an ARC request or submit formal complaints. 

It is not run by the HOA to allow free speech and criticism of the board. The board does not actively monitor it, so it is best to contact us directly via mail, email or this website for concerns. 

Our mission is to democratically manage the community, protect homeowners' rights, minimize fees and fines, and keep dues reasonable while maintaining the upkeep of common areas for the benefit of all residents.

We are located in south Charlotte in the Steele Creek area. and conveniently located to the Rivergate shopping center and Carowinds Amusement Park. Southbridge Forest has 154 homes, a common area park with playground, Dog Park and 20x20 picnic shelter.